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PrepNow Tutor - Jacob V.

Photo of Jacob V.
Jacob's Bio

Jake V. received his BA in global studies from Dartmouth College, where he was a member of the academic honor group and the recipient of three academic citations for exceptional skill from the college faculty. A tutor with a passion for helping students excel at the SAT and ACT, Jake is dedicated to helping students achieve their highest score potential for college admissions.

As an academic coach focusing on test preparation in classroom courses and private tutorials, in-person and online, Jake has utilized proven performance techniques to teach over 300 students how to master the SAT and/or ACT since his graduation. With noteworthy score improvements, his students have been accepted to diverse public colleges and leading institutions like Brown, M.I.T., Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, Dartmouth, Yale, and Amherst, among others. As one of Jake's former clients wrote, "We owe our daughter's admittance to many of the top schools in the country in large part to the instruction and guidance she received from Jake. He's the best!"

To his work, Jake brings a passion for helping students achieve their college admissions goals with test score increases. Through his five years of experience teaching and tutoring all sections of the SAT and ACT, he has helped students raise their official SAT and ACT scores significantly. He has also served as a leading test preparation tutor for three of Colorado's top education companies. Of his experience, he says, "What I love most about tutoring is empowering students to realize their highest potential with dynamic score improvements."

Jake describes his tutoring style as "performance coaching," noting that his teaching philosophy is "centered in an awareness of each student's unique learning style, with a focus on dynamic skill-building and effective, strategic progress to master the test. My students learn how to overcome all anxieties and increase their intellectual performance power." He loves working with all types of students and score ranges--from those seeking to raise low scores to those seeking to ace the tests! "In all cases, parents can be assured that their child will receive my best support and understanding to succeed and overcome testing challenges."

As a student himself, Jake served as literary editor and art director of Kokopelli, his high school arts magazine. In his downtime now, he enjoys yoga, listening to music, songwriting, and playing the guitar.

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